



for more than 20 years I have been working as a project manager for exhibitions, corporate events, and presentations around the world. Juggling multiple and diverse projects at the same time has become a challenge I enjoy and know by heart. Being organized and well-structured gives me the necessary space to be creative and flexible in finding the best solutions for me and for my customers.

After these exciting years in the agency and corporate world, I have decided to use my skills, knowledge, experience and energy to help people solve personal and professional challenges and provide peace of mind when my clients need it the most.


Working with all kinds of software and digital tools for collaboration across multiple devices has many fantastic advantages which I have leveraged, appreciated and enjoyed over the course of my career. I am convinced that without them, I would not have been successful in this industry.

That being said, it has always been clear to me that despite all the technological advancements, the convenience and efficiency that come with it, one can not rely on it to solve complex problems. Even more so, with each new technology attempting to ease or solve an existing chore new problems arise. Unfortunately, more often than not new technology creates new challenges that require yet again solutions to problems that did not exist before. Where is the value in a 24/7 call center if it's lacking the competence or ability to actually help you with your problem? Whats the advantage of an on-demand deliver service if the next available pick up time is not until next week? Whats the benefits of a customer support chat bot if it can't emphasize with your unique problem?
So I use the tools and means of technology where relevant but never without 'human intelligence', creativity, empathy, intuition, experience and curiosity.

I truly value all the possibilities that new technology is providing, but when it comes to your needs and individual challenges, personal contact and interactions are indispensable.


A concierge or ‘Keeper of the Candles’ works on the most basic of premises: People want things done, but simply do not have time or energy to do them. This expression does not only describe a profession, it also refers to values and attributes that I consider very important. Confidence, mutual respect, loyalty, reliability, and attention are some of them.

The motivation to start a private concierge service emerged from my appreciation of time and the desire to control more of my own time. Working late hours and managing my busy professional life made me rely on services to keep my personal life up and running. Many times though the services I depended on were not able to solve my problem or needed further attention and with that time. Other times the service quality did simply not meet my expectations.

So I found myself confronted with two options. I could defer to doing things myself at the cost of having to either postpone or neglect many of my to-do’s or invest even more of my personal time; or I could accept the current service quality and offering by significantly lowering my expectations. For me, an unacceptable choice.

A professional and personal approach can avoid this dilemma and make THE difference by providing the service and experience you are looking for: Getting your problems solved, meeting your personal expectations and giving you back control over - at least some - your time.


Whether a limousine -service or an eight-course dinner, a replenished fridge after an exhausting trip or a social dinner at home with friends, a delicious sandwich or a nice coffee, the right experience at the right time can give you this 5-star feeling. Whichever meets your need, helps you relax, fulfills your desire or gives you the joie de vivre back, there is no per-packaged solution or one-size- fits-all service for a truly individual request, problem, need or desire.

Real luxury is about gaining back control of your limited time, having real choices when searching for solutions and, last but not least, giving you peace of mind knowing that there is someone who cares at least as much as you do.


No matter if you are struggling with housekeeping, moving to a new home or relocating; if you need to have your errands taken care of or if someone or something needs attention while you are out of town or while your job keeps you busy; I am sure I will be able to support you with the assistance you require in the time-frame and at the location which is the most convenient for you and that meets your expectation.


I am committed to deliver a personal concierge experience that is completely reliable and wont settle for mediocre results. A one-call-does-it-all service that is accountable and leaves no unaccomplished promises.

I am excited to see how I may help you,

Werner Graf