No matter if you have to deal with surprise visits, disturbances in your daily routine, lack of time that keeps you from giving attention to impaired relatives or your children, an urgent need for something unexpected. Or maybe it is just the need for a trustful and reliable housekeeping. Following are just a general overview of services that could be helpful. Missing your requirement? Just get in touch I am glad to talk to you.
Vacuum carpets, cleaning floors, organizing, de-cluttering, laundry, grocery, restock refrigerator and provisions, prepare meals , taking care of dry cleaning, watering plants, feeding pets, gardening, organize mail, taking care of pick-ups and deliveries, garage and storage clean up, emergency support like locksmith ...
Run Errands
Grocery shopping, handle dry cleaning, tailor service, shoe repair, pickups and deliveries, pickup prescriptions, return & exchange, schedule appointments, gift and personal shopping, motor vehicle maintenance & repairs, schedule and handle applications and renewals ...
Home Waiting
House sitting, waiting for contractors, electricians, communication carrier, waiting for appliance & furniture deliveries, attending repairs and meter readings, babysitting, waiting for children coming from school, supervise refurbishments and re-decorations, welcome guests and visitors, checking your apartment/home while you are absent ...
Plan & Organize
Process items on your to-do list, organize and home repair or re-decoration, obtain and presenting quotations, plan, organize and manage home improvements, plan and organize special occasions and social dinners, prepare and elaborate travel and vacation plans, writing thank you notes and invitations, research ...
Care & Attention
Assistance and care during illness, childcare, foster relatives and checking on elderly with daily errands and needs, coordinate services, escort to appointments, meal preparation or delivery, pet sitting, walking dogs, veterinarian consultations, assist and help out of town guests ...
Relocation Service
Handling packing, 'box & item-inventories', logistics, renovation and re-decoration, interior design, change-of-address, donations of redundant/unwanted items. Move-in-day assistance , receiving deliveries, waiting for contractors, supervise remodeling, repair, and refurbishment, setup ...