Focused on solutions rather than service ...


Most likely you made the acquaintance with a concierge at one of your stays in a hotel, where the concierge takes care of needs and demands from guests while temporarily residing in the house. He or she wouldn’t quit until the perfect solution for your very individual problem was found. Even if the ideal resolution would be not available at this particular moment, you would be always presented with options as close as possible to your original requirement.
At best leaving you satisfied because someone handled your request as if it would be his or her own, providing no standard service but a solution matching your individual need.


I am to provide this experience to clients independent of their location, situation or environment. This could be private homes, residential communities, offices, corporations or travelers residing temporarily on their visit.
Focusing on individual requirements and demands, the service we can provide is almost unlimited as long as it is of integrity and ethical admissible.


The following pages give you a find a brief overview of services. Since peoples walk of life are different, hence this overview can never be complete and reflect all the needs that may accrue.
Please consider the list as an excerpt of the services the Conciergerie can provide to you and use it as an inspiration.
I consider the anticipation connected with the profession of a concierge as obligatory. In case a service you may require is not listed, please don’t hesitate to call. We will always do our best to meet your needs.

Service that feels like a favor ...

Looking forward talking to you.